According to The French National Institute people only read the headline in 59% of articles shared in social media. That’s why we are introducing ”Read proof” – a new way of sharing news. An algorithm measures your scrolling speed in combination with time spent on each article. If you want to share articles using the “Read proof”-icon, you need to read the whole thing. When you do, the shared article will feature a ”I’ve read it”-badge as proof.

Try Read Proof

Pride yourself with understanding before sharing.

When you share an article using ”read proof sharing” it will be stamped with a badge that proves that you’ve actually read it. The more complex the article, the more reason to share it.


”Read Proof Sharing”
on your publication

We’d love to help you install our widget on your site. The “Read proof”-icon will be placed next to your usual sharing options. We’ll help adapt it to your design. It's easy. Of course it’s free. And for the love of great journalism.

Request to install

or email us at install@readproofsharing.com